Privacy Statement


Living Words, operated by Words of Life Pty Ltd ABN 39 609 859 136 takes its obligations in respect of privacy and the collection of data seriously.

This privacy statement details how Living Words handles personal information. We may update this privacy statement from time to time to reflect our current practices. When this statement is updated, the updated statement will be available on


1.       Collection of personal information

Your personal information is collected when you enter or register your information on our website, such as through our website, when you register or subscribe for updates, when you contact us by email, complete any other forms of transactions or purchase, enter any prize draws or competitions run by Living Words.

By providing us your personal information through any of the above or similar methods, you provide consent to collecting your data and using it only pursuant to our privacy statement.

We will obtain your explicit consent for any secondary reasons such as marketing.

2.       Types of information collected

We collect any personal details you provide to us such as your name, birth date, address, email and telephone number. We may also collect details of previous transactions, your shopping preferences, history of correspondence with our company and any other information from which we can identify you on public registers.

3.       Use of information

We retain your personal information, preferences, details of your transaction and correspondence history through our systems which may include the usage of third party providers such as Squarespace.

Your personal information will only be used to ensure Living Words can improve its marketing and product analysis and create a tailored shopping experience for you, such as by maintaining and updating your account details and administering any prize draws or competitions.

We will only share your personal information to third party providers to the extent necessary to allow them to perform services they provide to Living Words.

We note that certain third party providers such as payment transaction processes have their own privacy policies that need to be complied with where data from you is also separately collected. We do not store your full credit card details on our databases. This information is encrypted and directly received by third party payment providers.

4.       Disclosure

We strive to maintain your privacy and may only disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so.

5.       Security

Third party providers engaged by Living Words are trusted and have implemented measures to ensure your personal information will be secure. We take reasonable care and steps to ensure that any personal information provided to and retained by us remains secure. We will take reasonable steps to notify you if this is compromised.

If you would like to find out more or register a complaint please contact us at