
Join us on our journey of redefining luxury - changing lives, one luxury notebook at a time

We are young professionals from Melbourne, Australia.

Over the years, we have written our thoughts, feelings, dreams and aspirations. We’ve seen our lives change for the better, our relationships deepened and our dreams come true.

We love beautiful, high-quality, well-designed products; but wanted to put our consumer dollars behind products which empowered us to make the social impact this world needed.

Inspired by a deeper question:

‘What does luxury mean to you?’

‘Luxury is seeing the hope in a child’s eyes, when you rebuild their schools after a major earthquake, using Gucci’s money.’

- someone once told us

It resonated deeply, and we knew we wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

Encouraged by words, inspired by beauty, empowered by choices

We have a hope

Our hope is to see people write words which empower them to live a better life, and to see that impact go forth beyond themselves, to change the lives of others too.

For the future

Our deeper desire is to see luxury redefined.

To us, luxury is not extravagant nor exclusive. It does not celebrate oneself, but celebrates the other. True luxury is not in the fleeting joy of spending, but in the heart-felt act of giving. The true luxuries of life are often the most simple, the ones available in most abundance, and the ones we take for granted. It is radically different. It goes against the grain.

It’s about the luxury of being in a position where you can be generous. It’s about changing lives – one word, one product, one choice at a time.

This is true luxury, from the inside out.

 We have just created our first product

But we have even more aspirations.

We would love to create more beautiful, impactful stationery. Not just notebooks that you love; but ones that show your love, your thankfulness and your generosity, towards someone else.

We are in the exploratory phases of launching our next line of notebooks – that use even more sustainable materials (some are really innovative!); and that create jobs to empower the lower socio-economic communities.


We have a list of amazing beneficiaries lined up. Beneficiaries whom we would love to support in their life-giving missions - more education, more children, more hope, more life.

And we need you


Join us on this journey.

Write in one of our beautiful notebooks, give a meaningful gift to a friend, follow us on our social media, or simply talk to us!

We’d love to hear from you, any ideas or comments you have, or simply to have a conversation - over a cup of coffee, notebook in hand (even if it’s virtually!).

Together, we can see more lives changed


Write life, give life

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